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Madagascar Creates Millions More Protected Acres

"The government of Madagascar has established 15 new conservation areas encompassing a total of 2.65 million acres (about a million hectares) on the East African island famed for its unique wildlife, (but) which traditionally has had a poor conservation record." nat'l geo

Richard Branson Plans to Save Lemurs

Using an undeveloped island he owns in the Caribbean, billionaire entrepreneur Richard Branson plans to create the first wild colony of lemurs outside of Africa, saying Monday it's a 'radical idea' to save an endangered primate that is disappearing.

Scientists Find 200 New Frog Species in Madagascar

Scientists have found more than 200 new species of frogs in Madagascar, a discovery that almost doubles the number of known amphibians and illustrates an underestimation of the natural riches that have helped spawn a $390-million-a-year tourism industry.

How Invasive Plants at LAX Feed Giraffes and Elephants at L.A. Zoo

The bad news: Exotic acacia trees pose a pesky problem for native coastal dunes at Los Angeles International Airport. The good news: Giraffes like them -- a lot. Now a long-term partnership that began last fall between the airport and the L.A. Zoo keeps invasive species out of L.A.'s landfills and gives zoo animals a leafy treat.

Finding "Lost Lots" to Make More Parks in LA

Over the last few years, Los Angeles and other cities have been moving to convert vacant lots, underused city streets, utility corridors, traffic medians and alleys into small parks, plazas, bikeways and pedestrian corridors so urban residents have green havens within a 10-minute walk.

The World's Most Polluted Cities Can Recover, Just Like London Did

Renowned for its infamous smog and severe pollution for centuries, London today has the cleanest air that it has had since the Middle Ages. Some of the most polluted places are the megacities of the developing world -- Shanghai, New Delhi, and Mexico City -- but in the 1930s and 1940s, London was more polluted than any of these cities are today.

New Bird Species Discovered in Indonesia

A small green bird that had been "playing hide and seek" with researchers has been declared a newly discovered species and named Togian white-eye, for its playground in the Togian Islands -- within the Gulf of Tomini in Indonesia.

New Orangutan Population Found in Indonesia

Conservationists have discovered a new population of orangutans in a remote, mountainous corner of Indonesia - perhaps as many as 2,000 - giving a rare boost to one of the world's most critically endangered great apes.

Leading Paper Producer to Halt Deforestation in Indonesian

The world's third largest paper company, Asia Pulp and Paper, announced in February an immediate end to all natural forest clearing in its supply chains in Indonesia. The company's pledge to stop making paper from the pulped remains of some of the last virgin rainforests, along with its improved transparency, will help protect endangered Sumatran tigers and orangutans and forested peatlands that store massive amounts of greenhouse gases.

Zookeepers Stunned as Moose Rescues Drowning Marmot from Watery Death (Photos)

An Idaho zoo gained notoriety a few months ago when a four-year-old elk started acting strangely at his water trough. Baffled zookeepers watched as the animal tried to dip his hooves into his drinking trough, before attempting to dunk his whole head in the water. Then they were amazed as 10ft tall Shooter lifted his head from the trough clutching a local marmot between his jaws.