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Finding "Lost Lots" to Make More Parks in LA

Finding "Lost Lots" to Make More Parks in LA
Over the last few years, Los Angeles and other cities have been moving to convert vacant lots, underused city streets, utility corridors, traffic medians and alleys into small parks, plazas, bikeways and pedestrian corridors so urban residents have green havens within a 10-minute walk.

A 30-year-old is compiling a database for the Los Angeles Neighborhood Land Trust, mapping all the small lots and alleys in the city that could be turned into "parklets" or other green spaces. He believes everyone in the city should have one of these green havens within a 10 minute walk from their home.

Over the last few years, Los Angeles and other cities have been moving to convert vacant lots, underused city streets, utility corridors, traffic medians and alleys into small parks, plazas, bikeways and pedestrian corridors in a city woefully short of them.

About 20 more pocket parks are on the way in South Los Angeles, Pacoima and elsewhere.

(READ the story from the LA Times)

Photo by Jerry Wong (CC license) 

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