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Can Cities Save Our Bees?

Beekeepers have discovered that bees kept in urban areas are healthier and produce better honey. Fewer pesticides and a greater biodiversity help bee colonies thrive there. Today, beehives are quietly buzzing in cities all over the globe -- Chicago, Toronto, Paris, London and New York -- where thousands of different species of plants are blossoming in the gardens and parks to benefit the bees and sweeten the honey.

Bell Canada Erecting Cellphone Towers Disguised as Trees

Ontario residents on holiday to the cottage country may think some of the trees are growing on steroids, but they're actually Bell Canada cellphone towers. The telecommunications company plans to disguise towers it erects in the Muskoka area to look like trees so they are not such a direct eyesore.

Water-Cleaning Technology to Help Farmers

The giant solar receiver installed on a wheat field here in California's agricultural heartland slowly rotates to track the sun and capture its energy. The 377-foot array, however, does not generate electricity but instead creates heat used to desalinate water. It is part of a project developed by a San Francisco area start-up called WaterFX that is tapping an abundant, if contaminated, resource in this parched region: the billions of gallons of water that lie just below the surface.