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Jacob Newman

Rising Star
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Students Design Electric Car to Travel 400 Miles Per Gallon

Who said you have to be an engineer or a even a designer to come up with a car that gets 100mpg? How about a group of US high school students in Missouri who designed and built a car that could get up to 450 mpg, with an electric motor that can be plugged into any regular home AC outlet.

Push to Save Tigers Leaps Forward at Bali Meeting

Tigers in 13 countries will be safer after a critical meeting this week laid the foundation for world leaders to agree to a historical global plan to double the number of tigers in the wild. The Tiger Summit in Bali produced solid plans to double the number of tigers in the wild by 2022.

Experiment Moves Past Stem Cells, Advancing Brain Treatment

In a breakthrough that has positive implications for Parkinson's or Alzheimer's, researchers have transformed ordinary mouse skin cells directly into neurons, bypassing the need for stem cells and greatly speeding up the field of regenerative medicine.

Random Act of Kindness for 93 Dollars Sparks $100,000 In Donations To Food Bank

When Jenni Ware found herself unable to locate her wallet as she stood in front of the cash register at Trader Joe's market, a stranger stepped forward to pay her entire $207 bill. The next day, Jenni sent a check in the mail for $300 to cover the Good Samaritan's deed -- enclosing an additional $93. But the kindness didn't stop there. An avalanche of like donations started pouring in from Facebook friends, eventually totaling $100,000 in spontaneous giving to a local food bank.

Amazon Tour Guide Turned Medical Angel for Poor

Nearly 21 years ago, Patty Webster landed her dream job as an adventure tour guide in the Amazon jungles of Peru. But as she shared the area's beauty and culture with tourists, she realized there was no medical service to native people in this rainforest paradise. Since 1993, Webster has been bringing medical relief to some […]

Manicurist Sells House, Car to Build School

Washington manicurist Lidia Schaefer began setting aside a third of her salary and all of her tips, and later sold her house and car, to raise enough money to build a school for a village in Ethiopia.

Bride Helps Save Neighbors From Burning Home

Georgette Fogarty-Clemons was heading home from her wedding Sunday evening. That's when she spotted smoke from the side of her neighbor's house in Bridgeport. Still in her wedding gown and high heels, she jumped out of the car and pounded on the door. "We have no way of knowing what would have happened had she […]

Frigid DIY Dolphin Rescue Warms Hearts in Canada

The town of Seal Cove, Newfoundland has had a harrowing week. Neighbors have gone to bed each night to the wails of five dolphins, who'd been trapped in a small and closing gap in the ice of the community's cove since the beginning of the week. Finally they decided to do something about it.

Free Hugs Offer Startles Downtown Shoppers

A group of strangers offered up squeezes yesterday on downtown streets, and got surprisingly positive responses. On a cold winter day, the offer of a free hug from a stranger is often all it takes to warm the heart. They carrying large signs saying "Free Hugs" and left more than a few feeling a little […]