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Zookeepers Stunned as Moose Rescues Drowning Marmot from Watery Death (Photos)

Zookeepers Stunned as Moose Rescues Drowning Marmot from Watery Death (Photos)
An Idaho zoo gained notoriety a few months ago when a four-year-old elk started acting strangely at his water trough. Baffled zookeepers watched as the animal tried to dip his hooves into his drinking trough, before attempting to dunk his whole head in the water. Then they were amazed as 10ft tall Shooter lifted his head from the trough clutching a local marmot between his jaws.

An Idaho zoo gained notoriety a few months ago when a four-year-old elk started acting strangely at his water trough.

Baffled zookeepers watched as the animal – who is so massive some keepers are afraid to even enter his enclosure – tried to dip his hooves into his drinking trough, before attempting to dunk his whole head in the water.

Then they were amazed as 10ft tall "Shooter" lifted his head from the trough clutching a local marmot between his jaws.

(READ the story w/ Photos in the Daily Mail)

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