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Are There Any Environmentally-Friendly Air Conditioners Out There? (Some Good News)

Reprinted via EarthTalk®, From the Editors of E – The Environmental Magazine Are there any environmentally friendly air conditioners out there? Traditional air conditioning units consume significant amounts of energy and rely heavily on refrigerants that contribute to global warming. The good news is that there are several environmentally-friendly air conditioning options available today. One […]

Scientists Tap An Electrical Current Stemming from Plants

Stanford scientists have plugged into algae cells and harnessed a tiny electrical current. They found it at the very source of energy production – photosynthesis, a plant's method of converting sunlight to chemical energy. It may be a first step toward generating high-efficiency bioelectricity that doesn't give off carbon dioxide as a byproduct, the researchers say.

Top Ten Innovations From 2008

Any list of the top achievements in science and energy is a list that glows with promise and hope. 2008 is no different. The year provided the Good News Network with many stories, from the health-related, to transportation and energy-related, that struck us with awe and inspiration. Here are ten of the best:

Top Ten Innovations From 2008

Any list of the top achievements in science and energy is a list that glows with promise and hope. 2008 is no different. The year provided the Good News Network with many stories, from the health-related, to transportation and energy-related, that struck us with awe and inspiration. Here are ten of the best:

Buddhists Coexist with Tigers at Sanctuary

A remarkable monastery in Thailand that cares for wild animals which are being squeezed off their land with too much development. PBS's Religion and Ethics Newsweekly features video of tigers walking around with monks and allowing visitors to pet them, even wrestle with their cubs.

Pope Issues new Green Message for World's Catholics

"The Vatican last week added its voice to a rising chorus of warnings from churches around the world that climate change and abuse of the environment is against God's will, and that the one billion-strong Catholic church must become far greener."