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Penguin Launches 'Madagascar'-style Daring Escape From Japan Zoo

Penguin Launches 'Madagascar'-style Daring Escape From Japan Zoo
The hunt was on today for a penguin that scaled a sheer rock face to escape from a Tokyo zoo. Echoing the hit animated movie Madagascar, the penguin fled over a wall that was more than twice his height, and later was seen bathing in the mouth of a nearby river.

The hunt was on today for a penguin that scaled a sheer rock face to escape from a Tokyo zoo and was last seen swimming in a river in the Japanese capital.

Echoing the hit animated movie Madagascar, the one-year-old Humboldt Penguin fled over a wall that was more than twice his height, and later was seen bathing in the mouth of a nearby river.

Officals are trying to track down the penguin and return it to the zoo.

(READ the AFP story in the CourierMail)

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