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A Green Leader, Philadelphia Captures Water Where it Falls

Every year storm-water run-off causes nearly 10 trillion gallons of polluted water to be dumped into America's rivers and oceans. As cities across the country struggle to comply with federal regulations surrounding pollution, Philadelphia is emerging as a model of innovation in water management by opting for cost effective natural solutions that save its two rivers from excessive run-off.

Sewage-Sniffing Dogs Locate Trouble Spots Along Milwaukee River

Canines have a sense of smell 1,000 times better than humans. Now, Milwaukee Riverkeepers has partnered with Environmental Canine Services to sniff and test over 50 manholes around Milwaukee. If the dogs hit on a spot, underground pipes are tested and water samples sent to the Great Lakes Water Institute for analysis.

Finding "Lost Lots" to Make More Parks in LA

Over the last few years, Los Angeles and other cities have been moving to convert vacant lots, underused city streets, utility corridors, traffic medians and alleys into small parks, plazas, bikeways and pedestrian corridors so urban residents have green havens within a 10-minute walk.

Canada's Cities Report 50% Drop in Homelessness

The State of Homeless in Canada 2013, released this week by the Canadian Homelessness Research Network and the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness, showed a 51 percent drop in the number of people living on the streets of Toronto between 2006 and 2011. Vancouver did even better, as coast to coast municipalities were turning the tide.

Ontario: Where Did All the Smog Go?

The London area of Ontario hasn't had a smog advisory for 18 months, a dramatic reversal for a region that once suffered through dozens of smog days a year and traditionally has some of Canada's dirtiest air