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Madison Masters

Rising Star
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Hopes Raised for Block on Cancer

Scientists say they have taken a big step towards blocking a chemical vital to the growth of many cancers, an enzyme which, when active, helps keep cells in an "immortal" state. The chemical is at work in more than nine out of ten types of tumour. (Read details of the latest report from journal Nature […]

Teenager's Life Saved By Trip To Dentist

Anna Campbell, 15, was unaware she had dangerously high blood pressure until she had a tooth out under general anaesthetic. Doctors discovered the schoolgirl suffered from a rare condition called coarctation of the main aortic artery.

British Couple Found £21,000 Donation on Their Doorstep

A Lancashire couple who were known around town as the hardworking fundraisers for the neighborhood park were thrilled to find an anonymous donation of piles of £20 notes left on their doorstep -- a total of £21,480 tucked in a wicker basket.

Rich Germans Demand Higher Taxes

A group of rich Germans has launched a petition calling for the government to make wealthy people pay higher taxes.

Passenger on Faulty Jet Steps Forward to Fix the Problem

After airline passengers were told an engineer was needed to fix a technical glitch on their flight, thus causing an 8-hour delay, one of the passengers announced he was a qualified engineer and offered to help.

Road Sweeper gets Cambridge University Degree

As he was sweeping the streets of Cambridge, Allan Brigham was also brushing up on his local knowledge. Soon he was spending his days cleaning up the city and his spare time as a tour guide. And now, Allan, 52, is being awarded an honorary Master of Arts degree from Cambridge University.

All Five Miraculously Escape as Plane Crashes into Pick-up Truck

All five people miraculously survived after a plane plowed head-on into a pick-up truck in a freak accident in South Africa. The light aircraft had taken off when it veered off course, crashed down on a secluded road, burst into flames and hurtled towards a group of friends, who later pulled the pilot to safety.

Brain Surgery Activates Hidden Art Genius

The window salesman had a 16-hour operation after suffering a stroke – and discovered his inner artist had been awoken. Mr Brown, who freely admits that before he went under the knife he could barely draw a stick man, is poised to complete a fine arts degree and plans to open a gallery displaying his works.

London Tube Announcements Now Include Inspirational Sayings

London commuters are getting a dash of inspiration in their daily ride to work. Drivers on the Underground's Picadilly line have added to their service announcements the words of great thinkers such as Gandhi, Albert Einstein and Jean-Paul Sartre.

Racing Team Helps Boy Fulfill Dream: A New Bionic Hand

A 14-year-old British boy born without a hand is getting his wish after writing to the boss of his favorite Formula One racing team, Ross Brawn, who had previously been a student at the boy's school. The high-tech bionic hand costs £30,000, and the boy's family had nowhere near the money to purchase the advanced equipment. His plucky letter moved Mr. Brawn to action.