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Stories That Matter

Parking Meters Provide Area for Mini-Parks

Parking Meters Provide Area for Mini-Parks
Some folks in San Francisco decided there was not enough green space downtown and "leased" the space provided by a parking meter for cars and created a mini-park for a day.

Some folks in San Francisco decided there was not enough green space downtown so they "leased" the area provided by a parking meter, usually reserved for cars, to created a mini-park for a day. Pedestrians lounged on the park bench under a temporary tree. The grass invited shoes to come off. No authority interfered at all. Calling themselves the Rebar group, John Bela and Matthew Passmore write on their website that creating the Park(ing) space was just their way of "temporarily improving the quality of urban human habitat — at least until the meter ran out." By their calculations, they provided an additional 24,000 square-foot-minutes of public open space that Wednesday afternoon. Check out the Park(ing) Space photos showing the project from installation to expiration.

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