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Sewage-Sniffing Dogs Locate Trouble Spots Along Milwaukee River

Sewage-Sniffing Dogs Locate Trouble Spots Along Milwaukee River
Canines have a sense of smell 1,000 times better than humans. Now, Milwaukee Riverkeepers has partnered with Environmental Canine Services to sniff and test over 50 manholes around Milwaukee. If the dogs hit on a spot, underground pipes are tested and water samples sent to the Great Lakes Water Institute for analysis.

Canines have a sense of smell 1,000 times better than humans. So, you might imagine how amazing a dog could be at finding unwanted sewage draining into urban storm sewers. Such discharges usually come from failing infrastructure or illegal connections in sewage systems and result in nasty point-source pollution being flushed into area rivers.

Now, Milwaukee Riverkeepers has partnered with Environmental Canine Services to sniff and test over 50 manholes around Milwaukee.

If the dogs "hit" on a spot, underground pipes are tested and water samples sent to the Great Lakes Water Institute for analysis.

The dynamic dog duo of Sable & Logan helped narrow down sewage hot spots and will aid the city in the future in determining areas of pollution concern along the many miles of waterfront citywide.

(Source: Milwaukee RiverKeepers Flickr page)

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