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Showing 81 - 100 of 101 Posts

Rewire Your Brain for Love

Valentine's Day can be the bane of any person's year. It can fling daggers of loneliness, rather than gentle arrows from Cupid. Instead of dreading another February 14th, use the science of mindfulness to make a healthy relationship resolution and rewire your brain for love.

Recent Posts
The Life of a Heart: Muslims and Jews Saving Lives Together

As a Muslim woman who teaches classes about the Holocaust at a Catholic college, I am constantly frustrated by the negative media coverage of the Middle East. A documentary recently aired on Al Jazeera was an extremely heartening exception to the rule. The film, Jerusalem SOS, told the stories of Jews and Muslims saving each other's lives.

Good Jobs Report Boosts US Economy

The overall unemployment rate ticked down last month. But the real good news is the past upward revisions showing the economy added more than 350,000 private sector jobs over the past three months. Other positive economic reports also came out for the U.S. this week.

U.S. Health Care: The Good News - A New PBS Documentary

You don't often find the words health care and good news in the same sentence, but in a new Public Television documentary, we learn that while groups on all sides argue the merits and limitations of reform initiatives, a few American communities are already getting the job done. Correspondent T.R. Reid reports they are accomplishing what few have been able to do – deliver quality care for reasonable cost, and in some cases cover just about everybody in town.

Give a Gift That Will Feed Hungry Kids For Years To Come

Heifer Project International (HPI) provides income-producing animals to people in nearly 40 countries. Shoppers buy an animal in honor of a friend or relative and send the recipient an attractive card describing the gift of hope being given in his or her name.

Woman Starts Angel Factory in Basement Raising $1Mil for Cancer Research

29 years ago a woman made a stained glass angel for a friend battling cancer. Now, her home has become a stained glass factory, with 90 volunteers producing tens of thousands of hand made angels for patients around the globe. More amazing, one million dollars in proceeds from these angels has gone to Johns Hopkins cancer research, buying intricate equipment and funding studies.

'Christmas Miracle' for Lonely Endangered Rhino

Conservationists in Malaysia airlifted a young Sumatran Rhinoceros — one of the world's most endangered animals — from an area where she had no hope of ever seeing another rhinoceros. After monitoring her isolation since 2007, the Sabah Wildlife Department and Borneo Rhino Alliance flew the female rhino, named Puntung to a forest where she would encounter a potential partner.

North Korea to Suspend Nuclear Activities

The United States said Wednesday North Korea has agreed to suspend nuclear activities and accept a moratorium on nuclear and long-range missile tests, in a breakthrough in negotiations with the secretive communist nation. In a key concession, North Korea said it had agreed to allow International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors to verify and monitor a moratorium on uranium enrichment activities.