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Stories That Matter

Wife Refuses to Pull Plug on Comatose New Husband and He Finally Wakes Up

Wife Refuses to Pull Plug on Comatose New Husband and He Finally Wakes Up
Just seven months after Matt and Danielle Davis got married, Matt crashed his motorcycle ended up in a coma. Though the odds of him awaking were bleak, the new wife held on to hope and was rewarded.

Just seven months after Matt and Danielle Davis got married, Matt crashed his motorcycle and suffered traumatic brain injury that left him in a coma. Nine days after that, doctors told Danielle there was nothing more they could do for him. There was a 90 percent chance Matt would never wake up.

"They said if it was them, they'd pull the plug," Danielle said. But it wasn't what she wanted to do, so she took Matt home and cared for him for weeks.

Then, one day, her hope was rewarded. Matt woke up and uttered these words to his wife, "I'm trying."

Matt says the whole experience has taught him to never take anything for granted.

A GoFundme account was set up to help Danielle and Matt pay for a full-time caregiver to come to their home, and it has raised nearly $60,000 in a months, since media reports shared their story.

(WATCH the video below or READ more from WTOC)

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