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Six Amazing Ways People Helped After Boston Marathon Tragedy

Mr. Rogers offered a famous answer to the question of what to tell children when scary things happen on the news. It holds true for all of us if we want to learn about what happened in Boston yesterday: Look for the helpers. We can always focus on the actions of the helpers, if we want to feel better.

Twitter Saved My Life and Helps Me to Help the Homeless

Mark Horvath is thanking a social media company for saving his life. I genuinely believe that if it wasn't for Twitter – I'd be back on the streets – or worse. The truth is: social media helps fight homelessness in many ways including helping people find housing.

Hospitals Waive Fees, Co-pay for Colorado Shooting Victims

Three of the hospitals taking care of people wounded in the Colorado theater shooting said Wednesday they will limit or completely wipe out medical bills for the 22 victims. Wednesday they will limit or completely wipe out medical bills for the 22 victims. Some of the wounded, many of them young, are uninsured and face mounting hospital bills.

Prayers Answered When Son Finds $3,000 From Late Father in an Old Book

After many years of searching for his life's purpose, James Smith, 22, finally discovered his passion in the world of art, using spray paint, ink and acrylics in combination with black lights to create neon explosions of color. But the opportunities required an infusion of cash to keep up with the demand for more art work and supplies. His mother, a Reverand, prayed for help. That very night it was delivered.

Swedish Man Survived Two Months in Snow-buried Car

A 45-year old driver stuck since December survived by hibernating a bit like a bear, doctors say. He was dug out alive from his snow-buried car in which he had survived for two months with no food, during one of the worst winters Europe has ever seen, in temperatures as low as -22F (-30C).

Pastor Ends 94-Day Rooftop Protest After Donation From Tyler Perry

Over the last three months, living in a chilly tent on the roof of a vacant South Side Chicago motel, Rev. Corey Brooks kept up his vigil against gun violence. On Friday, he was triumphant after a pledge of $98,000 from filmmaker Tyler Perry provided the final push for reaching the pastor's goal of raising $450,000 to buy and demolish the decrepit motel, a haven for drugs and prostitution.

Transplant Nurse Donates Own Kidney to Patient

The way Clay Taber looks at it, he's got three moms now, after a transplant nurse, practically a stranger, donated one of her healthy kidneys so that he might start married life untethered to a dialysis machine. When she heard a young 22-year-old man was in renal failure, she said, "It just tore me up."

Chinese New Year Offers Hope and Prosperity in Year of the Dragon

Chinese around the world will be wearing lots of red today, to celebrate the Lunar New Year marking the end of the disaster-filled Year of the Rabbit and to usher in a new year with more prosperity. January 23 begins the Year of the Dragon, which should bring relief following 2011, which was foreseen by the Chinese calendar as a very bad year.

Secret Santa Inspires Addict's Clean Up

Remember the businessman who this month traveled to Reading, Pa. to give away hundred dollar bills to strangers? One of the people that Secret Santa gave money to is 30-year-old Thomas Coates. Coates is a deadbeat by most accounts, including his own. But when the Secret Santa called him a good man, pushing hundreds of dollars into his hand even when he said he didn't deserve it, a prayer was answered.