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Stories That Matter

UPDATE: One Family Became Angels for Another Family 1300 Miles Away

UPDATE: One Family Became Angels for Another Family 1300 Miles Away
A heartwarming update to a story that aired on NBC in September about a family in Florida down on their luck and facing foreclosure: A Texas businessman and his family, after being moved by the tears of the teenage daughter, decided to help.

A heartwarming update to a story that aired on NBC in September about a family in Florida down on their luck and facing foreclosure: A Texas businessman and his family, after seeing the tears of the teenage daughter, decided to help.

The Texan, John Vann, began by sending monthly checks for $2,000 and making personal contact with the family through employees who worked nearby in Florida.

John recently received a Christmas card from the daughter, Gavi, and good news from her father, who had been job hunting.

(WATCH the inspiring story below – See our original video here)

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