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World Makes Stunning Progress in Education of Young Children

Over the past 12 years, the world has made stunning progress toward the goal of having more children attend primary school. In sub-Saharan Africa, enrollment in primary school is up 18 percent; and globally, the number of young children not attending school has been cut by 35 percent -- a huge achievement.

No Rhinos Poached in Nepal, First Time in 29 Years

Thanks to strong conservation and law enforcement efforts, not a single rhino was killed by poachers in Nepal, the first such year in 29 years. Conservationists in the Himalayan nation celebrated at Chitwan National Park, which holds the vast majority of the country's 534 rhinos.

Pastor Ends 94-Day Rooftop Protest After Donation From Tyler Perry

Over the last three months, living in a chilly tent on the roof of a vacant South Side Chicago motel, Rev. Corey Brooks kept up his vigil against gun violence. On Friday, he was triumphant after a pledge of $98,000 from filmmaker Tyler Perry provided the final push for reaching the pastor's goal of raising $450,000 to buy and demolish the decrepit motel, a haven for drugs and prostitution.

Baseball Star Moved to Give Shirt off his Back to Terminally Ill Fan (WATCH)

After a three-year battle with cancer, Joshua Jones may be in his final days. A group of family and friends pooled their money to buy four front-row seats so he could see his beloved Dodgers one last time. Dodger player Matt Kemp had promised to sign an autograph after the game, but instead was moved to do more, including giving the shirt off his back -- and his shoes.

Cast-Out Boy in New School Becomes Beloved as 'The Doorman'

Bullied every day for years because of his lisp, Josh moved to London, Ontario, in 2011. Determined not to be put in a box by his new classmates, the remarkable young man dramatically changed the trajectory of his life with one small idea: he would hold open the door at school each day. He held the door open for hundreds of teenagers that first morning - and every morning since. At first they didn't know what to make of the stranger, but then, something happened.

Medical Breakthroughs Give New Hope Across the Board

Major medical advancements in research this century are transforming diseases and common health problems bringing hope to millions. From alzheimers to glaucoma, MS to migraines, and diabetes to dental crowns, breakthroughs are rapid and real. Here are nine developments set to change the medical landscape this decade.

GM Posts Highest Profit Ever; Workers to Share Wealth

General Motors earned its largest profit ever in 2011, two years after it nearly collapsed. Strong sales in the United States and China helped the automaker turn a profit of $7.6 billion, beating its old record of $6.7 billion set during the pickup and SUV boom of 1997. GM said 47,500 blue-collar workers in the United States will get $7,000 profit-sharing checks in March.

January Jobs Surge, Unemployment Drops to 8.3%

The unemployment rate fell for the fifth straight month after a surge of January hiring, a promising shift in the nation's outlook for job growth. The Labor Department says employers added 243,000 jobs in January, the most in nine months

India Hailed for its First Polio-Free Year

Today marks a milestone in the fight against polio as India marks one year since the last recorded case of new polio infection there. This success is the result of decades of work by Rotary International along with its partners, as well as the tens of millions of dollars donated to the cause by Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

Surprising Recovery for Japan Automakers, One Year After Disaster

Nissan is back, one year after an earthquake and tsunami in northeastern Japan ground auto production to a halt, left giant cracks at a key factory and killed five employees and 17 family members. It's a story of surprising recovery that's playing out at other Japanese automakers, but particularly at Nissan.

Stem Cell Transplant Accidentally 'Cures' HIV

A US cancer patient who received a stem cell transplant has been cured of HIV, said a team of German doctors whose research was published in the peer-reviewed journal Blood on Wednesday. The results suggest the first such cure for the virus that causes AIDS.

Against All Odds, Afghan Teen Girl Boxer Lives Olympic Dream

Just by getting into the boxing ring at the London Olympics, Sadaf Rahimi will be throwing a few punches in the fight for equal rights for Afghan women. Rahimi, a determined 17-year-old student, wants to become the new face of Afghan women, gaining honor and dignity for herself and other women in her war-torn country and improving their image worldwide.

Taylor Swift Accepts Date Offer From Teen Battling Cancer

A cancer-stricken New Jersey teen who yearned to take Taylor Swift to his high school prom has scored a dream date to a far more glamorous soiree. Swift couldn't make Kevin McGuire's prom, so she did him one better: She asked him out to the Academy of Country Music Awards in Las Vegas.