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Off His Meds by Christmas After Only 6 Weeks of Veg Diet

Off His Meds by Christmas After Only 6 Weeks of Veg Diet
He is living proof that chronic heart disease can be reversed in weeks. 56 year-old Mark had a history of heart problems and eventually had to have stents implanted and tubing in his legs. Until recently, he was on ten different medications.

"He is living proof that chronic heart disease can be reversed in weeks."

56 year-old Mark had a history of heart problems and eventually had to have stents implanted and tubing in his legs. Until recently, he was on ten different medications.

After waking up with blood coming from his ears, nose and eyes, "He had had it," said his wife. He saw President Clinton talking about Dr. Esselstyn's diet and decided that this vegan program was for him.

"For six weeks he has religiously followed Esselstyn's plan and is reversing his heart disease already," she said in amazement. "Mark went for blood work and the numbers don't lie!"

After starting this plan on November 1, he now is off all medications.

(READ the letter from his wife in VegSource.com, and WATCH a CNN video on the subject below)

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