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Wasabi Gives Health Boost as a Fiery Condiment

Wasabi lovers may want to add more than a small pinch to their soy sauce the next time they go to their local sushi bar. The green paste, made from a fiery root called Wasabia Japonica, it is not only the perfect accompaniment to raw fish - it has also been found to possess numerous health benefits.

60 People Join Largest-ever Organ Exchange After Good Samaritan Donates Initial Kidney

What made the domino chain of 60 operations possible was the willingness of a Good Samaritan, Rick Ruzzamenti, to give an initial kidney after a flash of inspiration, expecting nothing in return. Its momentum was then fueled by a mix of selflessness and self-interest among donors who gave a kidney to a stranger after learning they could not donate to a loved one because of incompatible blood types or antibodies. Their loved ones, in turn, were offered compatible kidneys as part of the exchange.

Giant Therapy Dog Brings Relief to Many

Looks can be deceiving and even intimidating, especially when you are 125 pounds of fur and teeth. But to hundreds of his closest friends in Adams County, Kentucky, Leroy is a gentle giant whose mission is to help brighten the day of children and the elderly.

My Journey From Cancer to Near Death to True Healing

An inspiring new book is the true account of one woman's journey to the edge of death and her medically miraculous return. During a 24-hour coma, after her body was ravaged by Hodgkin's Lymphoma, she had a near-death experience. Upon her return she was healed of her cancer.

Dying Man Finds Miracle in Abandoned Church

At 57 years old, Greg Thomas was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. They told my family to go ahead and start planning my funeral. Greg passed the hours walking his dog on a rural Minnesota road -- a road that led him to a beautiful, abandoned church. He decided to repaint the crumbling relic. Three years later, when he began work on a rotting interior, his own interior was healing too.

New Approach Could Treat MS, Other Autoimmune Diseases

Researchers trying to find a way to treat multiple sclerosis think they've come up with an approach that could not only help patients with MS, but those with a range of so-called autoimmune diseases, from type-1 diabetes to psoriasis, and perhaps even food allergies. So far it's only worked in mice, but it has worked especially well.

Inspired by Sister's Death, Girl Helps Young Brain Tumor Patients Make Films

Angelight Films is a non-profit production company that gives children with brain and spinal cord tumors the opportunity to express themselves by creating and even starring in their own short film. Inspired by her sister who died of a brain tumor at age 5, Stephanie Angel founded Angelight Films as a creative outlet that helps children heal and recognize their inner light.

Tucson Kindness Project Hangs 1000 Bells Around Newtown, In Solidarity With Shooting Victims

A project that hangs small wind chimes with bells is becoming a healing remedy for grieving communities following mass shootings. An Arizona mom in mourning started Ben's Bells, which was embraced by the Tucson community following the shooting of Congresswoman Giffords and 13 others. Hundreds of volunteers painted and hung the ceramic chimes from random branches throughout the city. Last week the project traveled to Newtown, Conn. with 1,000 bells to hang for a community similarly in need of smiles.

WWE Star Makes Wish Come True for Young Fan With Heart Defect

Nick Santillo's rare heart defect has kept him in and out of hospitals since he was an infant. The eight-year-old, who was born with only half the chambers in his heart, had his wish granted this morning when the TODAY show arranged for him to meet his hero, WWE champion wrestler John Cena.

Puppy Saved From Abuse Helps Autistic Boy Overcome

Autism left 8-year-old Jonny Hickey closed off and isolated. Most of his social interactions resulted in painful awkwardness; unfamiliar situations can trigger terror or tantrums. Then, about two months ago, everything changed. Jonny forged a connection with a dog so unlikely that people familiar with it describe it as a miracle.

"An Awakening" Thanks to Cancer

I'm a true example that you can survive cancer not once, but twice. I would have never become a writer, producing inspirational poems and stories, if I had not gone through all that I did, and I am truly grateful.

A Nationwide Outpouring Of Support For Tiny Ferguson Library

The Ferguson Public Library is just a block away from the center of demonstrations at the Ferguson Police Department but, through it all, the building has remained open. One full-time librarian runs the quiet refuge, which has received more than $175,000 in donations since Monday.

Destress Your Life in 10 Easy Steps

The gloomy days of January can be the most miserable and stressful of the year, but it doesn't have to be this way. If you follow this ten step guide to de-stressing your life, then the next few weeks just might become the most serene and fulfilling ones of the year.