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A Nationwide Outpouring Of Support For Tiny Ferguson Library

A Nationwide Outpouring Of Support For Tiny Ferguson Library
The Ferguson Public Library is just a block away from the center of demonstrations at the Ferguson Police Department but, through it all, the building has remained open. One full-time librarian runs the quiet refuge, which has received more than $175,000 in donations since Monday.

The Ferguson Public Library is just a block away from the center of protests at the Ferguson Police Department but, through it all, the building has remained open.

One full-time librarian, Scott Bonner, runs the quiet refuge, which has received more than $175,000 in donations after tweets about the library went viral.

The library offers "Healing Kits" for kids to check out that include children's books dealing with trauma, and a stuffed animal they can keep.

(READ or Listen to the story at NPR)

Photo: Ferguson Public Library on Instagram

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