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My Journey From Cancer to Near Death to True Healing

My Journey From Cancer to Near Death to True Healing
An inspiring new book is the true account of one woman's journey to the edge of death and her medically miraculous return. During a 24-hour coma, after her body was ravaged by Hodgkin's Lymphoma, she had a near-death experience. Upon her return she was healed of her cancer.

"I believe that the greatest truths of the universe don't lie in the study of the stars and planets. They lie deep within us, in the magnificence of our heart, mind, and soul."

So begins the new book by Anita Moorjani, the true account of one woman's journey to the edge of death and her medically miraculous healing that followed. (Dying to Be Me: My Journey from Cancer to Near Death to True Healing – Hay House)

Moorjani was an ordinary person who, like many of us, had some issues with self-worth: she describes herself as a "people pleaser" who feared disapproval, regardless of the source. Her struggle to please everyone was amplified by being born into traditional Hindu heritage and living within a Chinese culture. These expectations amplified her lifelong fear of disapproval and not being "good enough."

In 2002, as a young married woman, she was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. After four long years of trying every alternative treatment she could imagine, she slipped into a coma as her vital organs began shutting down. Her brain and lungs were filled with fluid, she had tumors the size of lemons from the base of her skull to her abdomen, and her skin was split open with lesions trying to excrete the toxins: the doctors said she had only hours to live.

During her 24-hour coma, Moorjani had a near-death experience that she describes as a realm of clarity and expansiveness, "a state of being." She suddenly understood her spiritual essence, her oneness with Universal energy. She saw the universe as comprised of unconditional love.

"It's nothing like I ever imagined. I feel so beautifully peaceful and calm…and I feel healed at last! I then understood that even if my physical body stopped, everything is still perfect in the greater tapestry of life, for we never truly die."

"I felt completely bathed and renewed in this energy, and it made me feel as though I belonged, as though I'd finally arrived after all those years of struggle, pain, anxiety, and fear."

In making the choice to return, she knew that "every cell in my body would respond."

Her rapid and complete recovery defies all medical knowledge and is verified by numerous tests performed following her return to health. She was, and continues to be, completely healed.

Book review by Julie Clayton for New Consciousness Review, Media for Enlightened Living at www.NCReview.com

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