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Italy Dedicates 1,400-year-old Olive Tree to Michelle Obama

A province in southern Italy has dedicated a 1,400-year-old olive tree known as The Queen to US First Lady Michelle Obama because of her commitment to promoting healthy lifestyles. Local farmers that manage the land where the tree is located said the 26 gallons of extra-virgin olive oil made from the fruits of the giant tree would be sent to the White House every year starting this fall.

9-Year-old Silenced By Politicians Has Changed School Lunches Forever

For the past two months, one of my favorite reads has been a blog started by 9-year-old Martha Payne of western Scotland to document in photos the daily lunches she was being served in her public primary school. Payne started blogging in early May and her lunch photos went viral in days. She had a million viewers within a few weeks; was written up in Time, the Telegraph, the Daily Mail; and got support from TV chef Jamie Oliver, whose series "Jamie's School Dinners" kicked off school-food reform in England.

5 Healthy Recipes for Sports TV Fans

Expanding waistlines present a challenge for middle aged adults -- and for their kids -- who want to enjoy comfort foods and salty snacks on football's Super Bowl Sunday. With these five recipes, your game day menu can be delicious and healthy -- or, at least, partially healthy.

Roadside Raw Milk Vending Machine Offers Cow-venience

Village Milk, a New Zealand dairy farmer has installed a roadside milk dispenser that serve it raw. The Golden Bay family farm, with its twenty-two cows, invested in a state of the art milk machine to sell fresh, hygienic, raw milk 24 hours a day. Customers can buy up to five liters of unpasteurized milk, and even get change.

Tiny Family Farm Thrives on 1/5 Acre in Heart of Suburban Neighborhood

In the Los Angeles community of Pasadena -- a suburban mix of nice restaurants and well-tended front lawns -- there is a home wedged in among the other houses where the entire front yard is edible. A man's little family farm, in the midst of American suburbia, is his way of breaking free without really going anywhere.

15 Foods That Can Be Regrown From Scraps

There is nothing like fresh produce from your own garden, but, did you know that there are veggies that you can grow in the kitchen from scraps? I always have a mason jar of green onions regrowing above my kitchen sink. The technique is quite simple, writes the Mrs. Happy Homemaker blog.

13 Uses for Cucumbers That Will Amaze You

Cucumbers are very easy to grow and make for a delicious treat. But did you know they can prevent hangovers, or clean the kitchen sink? Here is a list of tips and tricks that you can use with cucumbers.