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Church Hands Out Faith Stimulus to Parishioners

On a recent Sunday, members of Bay Community Church each were given envelopes stuffed with cash. Inside was $20, $40 or $100. hurch members were told to spend it helping others, a novel approach to religious outreach during tough economic times.

Mission for LA Priest: Saving Flock from Foreclosure

A Roman Catholic parish in California has one of the highest foreclosure rates in the nation -- one in nine homes is in default. Now, a priest, Rev. John Lasseigne, has made it his sacred mission to negotiate with banks and lenders on behalf of his flock.

Imam Urges Muslims to Sign Organ Donor Cards

With Ramadan ending in the coming days, Imam Habeeb Alli is making a special point of what he calls the greatest act of charity a Muslim can make during this holy month – signing an organ donor card. Alli says his group drew on the writings of several top Muslim thinkers to show that the vast majority support organ donation.

Prison Inmates Meditate to Deal with Life Behind Bars

Kenneth Brown discovered meditation, yoga and Buddhist teachings three months into his 20-year sentence behind bars. Inmates say meditation -- an ancient practice that develops mental awareness and fosters relaxation -- is teaching them how to cope in prison.

Wis. Priest Auctions Family Silver for Homeless

A Wisconsin priest is auctioning off his late mother's collection of old silver pieces to raise money for a homeless shelter he helps run. The Rev. Guy Blair, with his family's blessing, donated 14 silver items, including five sugar urns dating back to the 1790s.