Worth Sharing


Kristi Gill

Rising Star
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Church Hands Out Faith Stimulus to Parishioners

On a recent Sunday, members of Bay Community Church each were given envelopes stuffed with cash. Inside was $20, $40 or $100. hurch members were told to spend it helping others, a novel approach to religious outreach during tough economic times.

Helicopter Pilot Flies After Burglar

English businessman Jeremy Taylor had just lifted off from his timber yard in his helicopter when he spotted a suspicious white van. He quickly figured out that he was being burglarized. Noticing the helicopter, the van sped off but Taylor followed him — down roads and into town. Taylor said, "I was determined to catch […]

Boy Graduates From High School and College - in Same Week

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Woman Wins $25 Million After Store Clerk Mistake

A store clerk's mistake led to a $25 million lottery win for an unemployed Georgia woman. Kathy Scruggs, 44, asked for the sale of a Mega Millions ticket, but when she was handed a Powerball drawing along with the first ticket, she accepted them both.

Woman Wins $25 Million After Store Clerk Mistake

A store clerk's mistake led to a $25 million lottery win for an unemployed Georgia woman. Kathy Scruggs, 44, asked for the sale of a Mega Millions ticket, but when she was handed a Powerball drawing along with the first ticket, she accepted them both.