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Episcopal Church Opens Doors to Muslims

The Rector and congregation of St John's Episcopal Church in Aberdeen have offered the hand of Christian fellowship - and part of their church building - to the hundreds of Muslims attending a neighboring and overcrowded mosque. The Aberdeen mosque is so busy at times that members of the Muslim community were having to pray outside in the wind and rain.

Good Karma: Buddhists Liberate 500 Lobsters Destined for Dinner Plates

In celebration of a holiday commemorating the Buddha's call for compassion and kindness, a group of Tibetan Buddhists purchased 535 live lobsters at a Maine seafood market and released them into the cold Atlantic, giving them freedom once again in the belief that karma will ease the suffering in the animals' and humans' future lifetimes.

Jewish, Muslim Volunteers Do Good Christmas Day Deeds

Across Detroit, organizers said nearly 1,000 Jewish volunteers did good deeds on Thursday's Mitzvah Day — an annual rite of community service on Dec. 25, when Christians typically want to be home celebrating Christmas, rather than doling servings at a soup kitchen. Increasingly for the last six Christmases, Muslims have joined the horde of Jewish volunteers

'He Saved Hundreds': Army Chaplain To Get Medal Of Honor

It took more than 60 years, but an Army chaplain who died as a prisoner during the Korean War will be awarded the Medal of Honor by President Obama on Thursday. Capt. Emil Kapaun, who was a Catholic priest serving with the 3rd Battalion, will be honored for extraordinary heroism for bravery and service to others -- both in battle and after his capture by enemy troops in November 1950.

Southern Baptists Elect 1st Black President

At the end of the day Wednesday, the presidency of the Southern Baptist Convention will pass to an African-American pastor for the first time. The nation's largest Protestant denomination voted Tuesday to elect the Rev. Fred Luter Jr. to lead them, an important step for a denomination that was formed on the wrong side of slavery having split with the Baptists over the issue.

The Life of a Heart: Muslims and Jews Saving Lives Together

As a Muslim woman who teaches classes about the Holocaust at a Catholic college, I am constantly frustrated by the negative media coverage of the Middle East. A documentary recently aired on Al Jazeera was an extremely heartening exception to the rule. The film, Jerusalem SOS, told the stories of Jews and Muslims saving each other's lives.

Muslims and Christians Come Together for Charity

Members of two faiths traditionally divided came together this month in a mutual show of compassion in Reading, Pa., where Muslim brothers and sisters joined their Christian counterparts in serving the underserved, helping hundreds of people by handing out coats, clothing, shoes and other items, along with sandwiches and snacks.

Ring in the Year of the Sheep With These Fun Facts

Asia rang in the New Year on Thursday with parades and fireworks celebrating the Year of the Sheep (or Goat or Ram). According to the Chinese lunar calendar, February 19, 2015, begins the celebration of the animal considered to be a general symbol of plenitude and good fortune, emblematic of kindness.