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Imam Urges Muslims to Sign Organ Donor Cards

Imam Urges Muslims to Sign Organ Donor Cards
With Ramadan ending in the coming days, Imam Habeeb Alli is making a special point of what he calls the greatest act of charity a Muslim can make during this holy month – signing an organ donor card. Alli says his group drew on the writings of several top Muslim thinkers to show that the vast majority support organ donation.

With Ramadan ending in the coming days, Imam Habeeb Alli is making a special point of what he calls the greatest act of charity a Muslim can make during this holy month – signing an organ donor card.

"This is one of the greatest charities we can do," he says, adding that Ramadan, which ends Monday, emphasizes charitable giving. Alli says his group drew on the writings of several top Muslim thinkers to show that the vast majority support organ donation. "It has the validity of scholarship," he says.

(Continue reading in Toronto Star)

Photo: Muslim Holy service in Mecca- by Ali Mansuri, CC license 

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