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Buddhist Leader Promotes Secular Ethics as MIT Opens the Dalai Lama Center

Buddhist Leader Promotes Secular Ethics as MIT Opens the Dalai Lama Center
On the campus of the country's premier scientific university, the world's best-known Buddhist leader Thursday called on educators to teach ethics and compassion without a basis in religious belief.

On the campus of the country's premier scientific university, the world's best-known Buddhist leader Thursday called on educators to teach ethics and compassion without a basis in religious belief.

Hundreds gathered at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as the Dalai Lama, speaking from the seated, cross-legged position of a sage, officially opened MIT's Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values.

"The majority of the 6 billion people on earth, I think, we can categorize as non-believers," the Dalai Lama said. "So we must find a way to promote ethics and values with these nonbelievers."

(READ the full story from BeliefNet News)



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