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Mike Doyle

Rising Star
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Fight Against AIDS Gains Ground

In a significant advancement, about 42 percent of people in the developing world who are infected with the AIDS virus are now receiving  antiretroviral drugs, according to a report. At the end of 2008, 2.9 million Africans were on the lifesaving therapy, up by more than one-third from the previous year. The report, prepared by […]

Canadians Make Breakthrough in How Cancer Spreads

In a world first, Canadian scientists have decoded all three billion letters in the DNA sequence of a metastatic breast cancer tumor and identified the mutations that caused the original tumour to spread.

Imam Urges Muslims to Sign Organ Donor Cards

With Ramadan ending in the coming days, Imam Habeeb Alli is making a special point of what he calls the greatest act of charity a Muslim can make during this holy month – signing an organ donor card. Alli says his group drew on the writings of several top Muslim thinkers to show that the vast majority support organ donation.

How Bald Chickens Help Troubled Kids

They are miserable-looking creatures. Featherless, off-balance, skittish to the point of terror. Also, incredibly lucky. These are "rescue" chickens, formerly caged as egg producers in an industrial hatchery somewhere in southern Ontario. The chickens are being used as therapy animals to treat a small group of troubled children living in a nearby group home. Shepherd […]

Flying Eye Hospital Treats 9 Million Around the World

On approaching the flying eye hospital, it looks like any of the other passenger jets on the runway waiting to take off to exotic destinations. But this DC-10 jet is exceptional – it houses the only airborne operating facility for eye treatment in the world. Its mission is to tackle avoidable sight loss in developing […]

Ontario and South Korea Sign New Green Energy Deal

Canadian Premier Dalton McGuinty has signed a landmark agreement with a South Korean consortium to generate 2,500 megawatts of wind and solar power in Ontario, providing clean electricity to 580,000 households and 16,000 new jobs over six years.

U.S. Unveils $2.2 Billion Great Lakes Fix

The Obama administration has developed a five-year blueprint for rescuing the Great Lakes, a sprawling ecosystem plagued by toxic contamination and invasive species. The plan envisions spending more than $2.2 billion (U.S.) for long-awaited repairs after a century of damage to the lakes, which hold 20 percent of the world's fresh water.

Why Women Over 40 are Good at Math

Now there's another kind of prowess achieved by women in their 40s that men peak at earlier in life. Math. Not only do female math students outperform men at Ontario's community colleges, but it's the 40-something female multi-taskers juggling jobs, families and mortgages who edge out their classmates of either sex at any age, new research shows.