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Showing 25 - 36 of 556 Posts

Top Ten Innovations From 2008

Any list of the top achievements in science and energy is a list that glows with promise and hope. 2008 is no different. The year provided the Good News Network with many stories, from the health-related, to transportation and energy-related, that struck us with awe and inspiration. Here are ten of the best:

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25 Years Ago, the Song That Would Raise Millions for Charity

While Americans break records for generosity in their text messages for Haiti, we can draw inspiration today from another milestone in giving a quarter century ago. On this day in 1985, the biggest stars in American music gathered in one studio to record the song, We Are the World, and their efforts, on behalf of African famine relief, became the fastest-selling American pop single in history.

Recognizing People Who Do The Right Thing

For every good deed that you do for someone else, I think it is important to shout it from the rooftops. Let’s not be afraid to highlight some contribution, to boast of some deed where you made a difference.

Lab App Detects Allergens in Food

Do you have a serious food allergy and want to know if there's any culprits in your cookie? Now there's an app for that. It will take you 20 minutes to get the answer using a new application developed by UCLA researchers for your smartphone.