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Seeing a Glass As Half-Full May Say More About Someone's Personality Than Just Being Optimistic

Seeing a Glass As Half-Full May Say More About Someone's Personality Than Just Being Optimistic
"Seeing the glass as half-full" rather than half-empty is supposed to be indicative of someone's optimism – but what about their personality?

Seeing a glass as half-full rather than half-empty is typically associated with having a more optimistic worldview, but it may align with even more personality traits including decisiveness, playfulness, and creativity.

A new survey of 2,000 Americans found that when viewing an image of a glass containing an equal amount of liquid and empty space, 58% of Americans felt that the glass was half-full, while 16% felt that it was half-empty (the remaining respondents were indecisive).

The poll found that glass half-full thinkers, while being more optimistic, also tended to be more patient, more competitive, more adaptable, and more playful than glass half-empty thinkers.

Additional Traits That May be Associated With GLASS HALF-FULL THINKERS

More assertive More right-brained More extroverted More practical More likely to be a morning person More likely to use Twitter

They also reported having 11 "better than average days" per month and spending 21 hours on hobbies per week.

On the other hand, glass half-empty thinkers tended to be more laid-back, more introverted, more serious and more proud than their half-full counterparts.

Oddly enough, glass half-empty thinkers did not always self-identify as pessimists. In fact, nearly half (48%) of glass half-empty types believe they're more optimistic than pessimistic.

When faced with personal setbacks, glass half-full respondents have an easier time quickly finding the silver lining while nearly half of all respondents (46%) report that they're trying to be more positive day-to-day.

Additional Traits That May be Associated With GLASS HALF-EMPTY THINKERS

More left-brained More sentimental More rebellious More likely to be a night person More likely to use Instagram

They also reported experiencing nine "better than average days" per month, and spent 14 hours on hobbies per week—33% fewer than the other group.

Glass half-full thinkers, spending more time on hobbies, might be more optimistic because they allow more time for fun. Respondents who think more positively reported almost 10% more days they rated as "better than average" each month than those who see things as being half-empty (11 days vs. 9 days).

Glass half-full thinkers are 39% more likely to self-identify as a morning person, although the majority of both groups of respondents believed great days start with great mornings.

The survey was conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Borden Dairy for their optimism-inspired campaign.

Be Sure And Share The Survey With Your Friends On Social Media – File photo by Kurt, S, CC

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