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Ex-Homeless Man Among Eco Heroes

James Burgett started as a homeless Dumpster-diver. He'd build computers out of parts and sell them to feed his drug habit. A company called asking if he wanted 2,000 old desktops.

Vancouver Launches World's First Cigarette-butt Recycling Program

The City of Vancouver, B.C. has launched the world's first cigarette butt recycling program in its bid to become the greenest city. The pilot project began last Tuesday with the installation of 110 receptacles in four downtown areas where discarded butts are a messy problem. Fortunately, cigarette filters are made of cellulose acetate, which can be recycled into building materials.

Meet the Cutting-edge Fashion Designers Doing Good

As consumers are becoming more informed about the pitfalls of mass-produced clothes, fashion-conscious shoppers today want to be able to make responsible choices, and now more than ever they can do so. Vivienne Westwood and brands such as Maiyet, Stella Jean, Edun, and Raven & Lily, along with a growing number of online ethically conscious […]

Italian Ingenuity: Europe's First Zero Waste Town

Capannori, a rural town in the Italian province of Lucca, in Tuscany, boasts a proud history. Six years ago, it became a trendsetter and leader, not just in Italy but throughout all of Europe, as the continent's first Zero Waste town. Today, about 3.5 million Italian citizens carefully separate their waste into colored bags before leaving them on their doorsteps for collection. The movement has spread further, too, to other European countries.

Plastic Bags Make Fine Diesel Fuel: Report

Plastic shopping bags, an abundant source of litter on land and at sea, can be converted into diesel, natural gas and other useful petroleum products, researchers report. The conversion produces significantly more energy than it requires and results in transportation fuels – diesel, for example – that can be blended with existing ultra-low-sulfur diesels and biodiesels.