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Ex-Homeless Man Among Eco Heroes

Ex-Homeless Man Among Eco Heroes
James Burgett started as a homeless Dumpster-diver. He'd build computers out of parts and sell them to feed his drug habit. A company called asking if he wanted 2,000 old desktops.

James Burgett started as a homeless Dumpster-diver.

James Burgett started as a homeless Dumpster-diver.

He'd build computers out of the parts he'd salvaged and sell them to feed his drug habit. After he donated a couple to a school, a company read about it, and called asking if he wanted 2,000 old desktops. One man's trash is another man's transformation into enterprising eco-hero.

The Alameda County Computer Recycling Center was born… The center refurbishes and ships out 2,400 computers a year to anyone in need. Today, he is among 39 being honored as environmental heroes by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Oakland Tribune via insidebayarea

The Alameda County Computer Recycling Center was born… The center refurbishes and ships out 2,400 computers a year to anyone in need. Today, he is among 39 being honored as environmental heroes by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. – Oakland Tribune via insidebayarea

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