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Vast Urban Farm Grows Fish, Food In Old Chicago Meat Plant

On the third floor of an old meat-packing plant is a humid hothouse filled with rows of greens and sprouts, even exotic white strawberries. Nearby, in large barrels swim dozens of tilapia, fish native to tropical regions. The Plant is a leading example of urban vertical farming using old warehouses, where plants and fish are raised symbiotically, with a closed-loop system that uses all waste toward the production of food.

Eco-friendly Chinese 'Amateur' Wins Most Prestigious Architecture Prize

An architect who uses recycled building materials from historic buildings torn down to make way for China's megacities has won architecture's most prestigious international award, the 2012 Pritzker Architecture Prize. For myself, being an artisan or a craftsman, is being an amateur or almost the same thing, Wang Shu, 48, said in a press release, using the word in its true meaning as one who does something for love rather than money or professional accolades.

New Technology Turns Garbage Into Gold

Imagine a machine that can turn almost anything into oil. Imagine that it uses natural processes like heat and pressure, and produces no pollution. Imagine recycling waste from landfills, refuse from poultry factories, sludge from city sewage, or even infectious medical waste. We now know it can be done.

How Nike's Green Design Recycled 82 Million Plastic Bottles

Nike's World Cup jerseys for the 2010 South Africa games were made of 100 percent recycled polyester, with each jersey taking eight plastic bottles out of landfills. The net result of that one project alone was reusing 13 million plastic bottles, and showed what was possible with the company's new ethos.

Biofuel Powers Two European Airlines

In two recent feasibility experiments, European airlines KLM and Thompson Airlines have integrated cooking oil-based biofuels into their passenger routes, in a 50-50 mixture with jet fuel.

This Package Could Help Amazon Use 200 Times Fewer Boxes

UK-based designer Yu-Chang Chou hopes to help stem the flow of single-use packages - like Amazon.com boxes - through a new design that can be reused 200 times. He calls it the Repack bag. Once the package is emptied, it can be folded and tossed in a nearby mailbox to return to the post office for someone else to buy and use.

Denmark's Near-Zero-Waste Wonder

The small city of Kalundborg, 64 miles west of Copenhagen, was the first municipality to have engineered a symbiotic relationship between all its industries so that the excess heat, water, waste and other resources leftover become feedstock for other industries and farms, creating a closed loop system.

Keurig Coffeemakers Unveil Recyclable K-cups (Finally)

Keurig coffee fans might love the convenience of the single-cup system, but the amount of plastic being thrown into landfills was worrying the rest of us. Now the coffee-selling giant has announced a recyclable coffee pod that may ease customers' guilt.