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Swedes Are Such Good Recyclers They've Run Out of Garbage

Swedes Are Such Good Recyclers They've Run Out of Garbage
With the highly successful recycling habits of Swedish households - they sent just 4% of their waste to landfills in 2011 - comes the enviable problem of running out of trash to burn in their national waste-to-energy program.

With the highly successful recycling habits of Swedish households – they sent just 4% of their waste to landfills in 2011 – comes the enviable problem of running out of trash to burn in their national waste-to-energy program.

Waste incineration provides heat for 810,000 homes and electricity for a quarter million homes, according to Swedish Waste Management.

The rest of Europe has plenty of trash to spare, so the Scandinavian country is importing eight hundred thousand tons for use in its power plants.

(LEARN more from this report at Public Radio International)

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