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LinkedIn Idea 'Bring Your Parents to Work Day' is Spreading Worldwide

LinkedIn held its second annual 'Bring In Your Parents Day', an idea that was born when the company realized that one-third of their employees' parents had no clue about what their offspring did for work. With more than 50 other companies around the globe participating this year, the event (#BIYP) has become a worldwide initiative to help bridge the gap between professionals and their parents.

Dad With Cancer Writes Daughter 826 Notes Just in Case

Garth Callaghan started slipping notes into his daughter Emma's lunchbox when she was in kindergarten. Now in eight grade, she depends on those brief missives as a daily source of inspiration. Callaghan, 44, now battling cancer, in a fit of inspiration, has written hundreds of napkin notes to his daughter, leaving a legacy of how much he loves her.

Laws of Physics Can't Trump the Bonds of Love

A high school physics teach became well known in Louisville, Ky., for his exploding antics in the classroom. But Jeffrey Wright's most influential lecture is delivered annually teaching the life-lessons learned via Mr. Wright's son, who has a developmental disorder.