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Girl's "Amazing" Graduation Gift From Dad is a 13-year Labor of Love

For 13 years, Bryan Martin kept the book hidden from his daughter, dutifully taking it to her teachers, coaches and school principals every year to have them append it with positive comments and messages. Finally, on June 8 — the day of her graduation from North Johnston High School in Kenly, N.C. — Brenna Martin received a special copy of the Dr. Seuss classic "Oh, the Places You'll Go!'' "At first I just smiled and said that it meant a lot and that I loved that book,'' Brenna said. "But then he told me ‘No, open it up.'

Girl's "Amazing" Graduation Gift From Dad is a 13-year Labor of Love

For 13 years, Bryan Martin kept the book hidden from his daughter, dutifully taking it to her teachers, coaches and school principals every year to have them append it with positive comments and messages. Finally, on the day of her graduation from high school, Brenna Martin received a special copy of the Dr. Seuss classic "Oh, the Places You'll Go!'' At first she just smiled and said, I love that book. But then he told her ‘No, open it up.'

New Ad Gives Olympic Moms (and Regular Moms) Their Due

When you think of Olympic heroes, you think of those gold-medal winning performances. That record-setting swim race. The lightning-fast relay. The winning gymnastic routine. But a new video ad from Procter & Gamble puts the spotlight on an entirely different hero: The Olympic mom. The ones who got up earlier than everyone else to feed and drive their little athletes to pre-dawn practices for all those years.

Most Influential Adult at Trinity High School? The Janitor.

Perhaps no adult employed at Trinity High School has had more influence over students or changed more young lives than Charles Clark, the school's custodian. Clark has mentored countless kids in need of a father figure at the Texas high school, even housing several of them in his home over the years. In the beginning, he took the custodial position thinking he would keep it until he found something better, but 24 years later, he still hasn't found it. Now Clark, 63, has bested more than 400 teachers, administrators and school district employees from 33 states to become the LifeChanger of the Year Grand Prize Winner.

Moms Reign as Top Role Models in Survey of Canadian Girls

An encouraging new survey has found that mothers are regarded as the top female role models in the lives of six in 10 Canadian girls. Furthermore, most of these young people, aged 10 to 17, were unlikely to identify other types of women they hoped to emulate — pop stars or others.

On Their Own: Musings From an Empty Nester

This morning a baby bird fell out of its nest just outside the window that is near my desk. My mind wandered to images of my youngest son, a college freshman. Was this child ready to leave the nest or did I rush him out?