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Most Parents Say They Develop 'Superpowers' After Having a Baby, According to New Poll

Most Parents Say They Develop 'Superpowers' After Having a Baby, According to New Poll
New mom reflexes and speaking in kid-tongues are some of the 'superpowers' people have developed after becoming a parent, says new poll.

Mom reflexes-dad reflexes, sudden strength, and speaking kid-language are some of the 'superpowers' people have developed after becoming a parent.

And, they wouldn't have it any other way, according to a new poll which found that more than 4 in 5 Americans say becoming a parent is the most rewarding thing they've ever done.

The survey of 2,000 parents who have children aged 6 or younger also revealed that three in five parents learn what "dad/mom reflexes" are within the first two months of parenthood.

63% said they found the ability to understand "kid language"-and 53% of all parents formed "super strength."

In a 'Dynamic Duo,' the mother was the most likely to develop 'eyes in the back of her head, with 53% of women unlocking this ability compared to only 42% of men.

The survey, conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Stokke, also found that 43% of respondents believe that 'becoming a role model' was the biggest change they had to adopt after becoming a parent. (For instance, not eating so many sweets yourself, after preaching to your kids.)

When it comes to the baby's development, and their important milestones, more than two-thirds of parents (67%) said that learning how to walk was the most rewarding-for their child and themselves.

Seven in ten respondents (71%) said the 'little things' are the best parts of becoming a parent-kisses, hugs, and jokes are what truly matter-and they soothe any adjustments to a new parenting lifestyle.

Almost half of moms and dads polled said their least favorite part about becoming a parent was the long nights without sleep.

For all their sleep lost, more than 83% are happy to exchange their Friday date nights on-the-town for a cuddle session at home with their baby, and they're eager to do just that.

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