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LinkedIn Idea 'Bring Your Parents to Work Day' is Spreading Worldwide

LinkedIn Idea 'Bring Your Parents to Work Day' is Spreading Worldwide
LinkedIn held its second annual 'Bring In Your Parents Day', an idea that was born when the company realized that one-third of their employees' parents had no clue about what their offspring did for work. With more than 50 other companies around the globe participating this year, the event (#BIYP) has become a worldwide initiative to help bridge the gap between professionals and their parents.

LinkedIn held its second annual ‘Bring In Your Parents Day', an idea that was born when the company realized that one-third of their employees' parents had no clue about what their offspring did for work.

At LinkedIn's Mountain View headquarters Thursday, CEO Jeff Weiner told the parents in his welcome speech, "You should be incredibly proud of your kids."

Speakers included a sales associate, company wellness guru, communications staffer and engineer — all explaining their roles, while parents sat paying rapt attention.

The annual event (#BIYP) has become a worldwide initiative to help bridge the gap between professionals and their parents. This year more than 50 other companies around the globe participated by holding their own events.

John Clinton, CEO at Edelman CA said, "Parents were proud their kids wanted them here."

Anne Ripley, pictured above, put her mom to work, helping her run the social media team for Red Door Interactive in San Diego.

LinkedIn had commissioned a study this year that showed 60% of young professionals believe their parents have valuable skills that they have not yet to shared. Perhaps that's why one company set up a "Parental Advice Station" where parents could answer queries about life or work.

One of the theme's this year was thanking parents for all their guidance and advice over the years.

(WATCH a video publicizing the 2014 event or READ the story in SFGate.com)

Story tip from Mike McGinley – Front page photo by Megazord via CC license

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