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Showing 1521 - 1540 of 4,140 Posts

'Welcome Home' Program Inspires U.S. Soldiers for Last Time

Every day for 8 years, US soldiers were funneled through the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport on their way home for their 2-week leaves. Each soldier was greeted with applause and hearty handshakes from strangers who came to the airport just to show their thanks. Last week, more than a thousand of these greeters delivered a thunderous welcome to the 230 troops aboard the final military charter to use DFW airport, ending the unique Texas "Welcome Home A Hero" program.

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101-Year-old Woman Gets Her House Back Thanks to Author Mitch Albom

Last fall, Texana Hollis, 101, was evicted from her Detroit home after almost 60 years. A Good Samaritan from church took her in, while others tried to find funding to get her foreclosed home back. Unfortunately the building was in bad condition and condemned as not fit to live in, especially for the wheelchair bound great-grandmother. But, now her house is being given back to her – in better shape than ever – thanks to Detroit resident Mitch Albom, the best selling author of Tuesdays with Morrie and his charity for the homeless, S.A.Y. Detroit.

Army of Strangers Pitch in to Help Tornado Victims

Hundreds of volunteers pitched in to help the American communities hit hard by tornadoes that ravaged the Midwest and the South. Some took time off from their regular jobs to work for their neighbors. It doesn't matter if you know them or not... It's a small town; it's what you do.

White House Secret Service Agents Come to Ducklings Aid

A mother duck and her ducklings visited the White House Wednesday, but the mom was the only one of the group big enough to jump the concrete barrier beneath the fence. Her young ducklings were stuck milling about on the sidewalk below until armed guards came to the rescue. Two uniformed Secret Service agents saw the separation and came to the ducklings' aid

Generosity From Doctor and Former Thief Helps 85 Year-old Robbery Victim

An 85-year-old South Carolina woman who was robbed of $400 in cash she had saved for eye surgery was given free medical care after a doctor saw her story on the news. Dr. Budev of Carolina Cataract Center wasn't the only one who saw the report and was moved to action. A one-time thief who'd stolen a woman purse in his youth, sent a $500 check to help atone for his mistake.

Miracle Cancer Survivor Makes Wishes Come True for Sick Kids

In 1995, Grayson Gilbert had been diagnosed with a cancer so rare in children that the doctors were entering uncharted territory when prescribing aggressive chemotherapy and surgery. At 22 years old, the Maryland boy survived so long, he now has a charity to help ailing children meet their heroes.

LinkedIn Founder Lets 40,000 People Lend His Fortune to Others

Reid Hoffman, one of Silicon Valley's most successful entrepreneurs, has pledged one million dollars in micro-loans on the Kiva website to help tiny businesses around the globe. The cool part is that you can take $25 of that fortune and direct it to the borrower you think deserves it the most. There are still 3,178 free trials available for you to funnel $25.00 of Hoffman's money to the global citizen of your choice.

Real Batman Hero Unmasked as Hero for Sick Kids

A Baltimore man spent a lot of his own money to dress up as Batman, even customizing a black sports car exactly like the comic book character. But, this Batman isn't interested in fighting crime. He visits sick children in hospitals, handing out Batman toys and books to up-and-coming superheros who first need to knock-out cancer or other life-threatening foes.

Unlikely Advocates For Teen Killers: Victims' Families

The Supreme Court heard arguments last week about the fate of 2,500 offenders who were sentenced as teenagers to life in prison without the possibility of parole. A few blocks away, family members of their victims came together quietly to support the opportunity for young wrongdoers to eventually seek rehabilitation outside of prison.

Community Kindness Spreads in Honor of Mom and Daughter Who Died

A kindness project has deeply touched the community of Tillamook, Ore., after the death of two locals -- a young mom named Wendy and her 8 year old daughter --who were killed in a car crash. Their deaths broke the hearts of all who knew them, but their memory has sparked a chain of kindness.

Prayers Answered When Son Finds $3,000 From Late Father in an Old Book

After many years of searching for his life's purpose, James Smith, 22, finally discovered his passion in the world of art, using spray paint, ink and acrylics in combination with black lights to create neon explosions of color. But the opportunities required an infusion of cash to keep up with the demand for more art work and supplies. His mother, a Reverand, prayed for help. That very night it was delivered.

Swedish Man Survived Two Months in Snow-buried Car

A 45-year old driver stuck since December survived by hibernating a bit like a bear, doctors say. He was dug out alive from his snow-buried car in which he had survived for two months with no food, during one of the worst winters Europe has ever seen, in temperatures as low as -22F (-30C).

Despite Woes, World is a Happier Place Today Than in 2007

A new poll conducted by global research company Ipsos finds that 77 percent of citizens in 24 countries generally say they are ‘happy' in their lives. The number of people reporting they are 'very happy' has risen two percentage points since 2007, to 22% of citizens globally.