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Medical Students Learned on the Bodies, Now Honor the Donors

Georgetown University medical students recently held their yearly religious service, to say thank you to anatomical donors. Each year, 19,000 medical students in the United States dissect cadavers as part of their Each year their schools hold some type of memorial service at the end of the year to honor donors.

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Couple Tips Waiter $5000 After his Car is Destroyed

Greg Rubar still can't believe how his bad luck turned into good fortune. On Saturday, he was working in the Italian cafe where he's been a waiter for 16 years. A couple, who are regular customers at the restaurant, gave him a tip he will never forget. They had heard about him losing his car recently and wanted to help.

Kindness Week Proclaimed in Eastern Maine

Through next Saturday, people in Maine's easternmost county are being urged to think positive and be especially kind as the county celebrates what's been proclaimed as Positively Kind Week. Washington County commissioners are encouraging agencies, businesses, religious organizations and people to kick their kindness levels up a notch.

Vast Urban Farm Grows Fish, Food In Old Chicago Meat Plant

On the third floor of an old meat-packing plant is a humid hothouse filled with rows of greens and sprouts, even exotic white strawberries. Nearby, in large barrels swim dozens of tilapia, fish native to tropical regions. The Plant is a leading example for urban vertical farming using old warehouses, where plants and fish are raised symbiotically, with a closed-loop system that uses all waste toward the production of food.

Do Good Mayor Cory Booker Strikes Again, Saves Woman From Fire

The Newark, New Jersey mayor -- already lionized in some corners for his good deeds -- added to his list of praiseworthy actions on last night when he raced into a burning home to help save a woman trapped inside. Cory Booker said he contemplated jumping from a second story window, but escaped down a staircase instead.

Newest Subway Hero: 'Snackman' Casually Breaks Up Fight

24 year-old Charles Sonder got on a New York Subway with a bag of cheddar Pringles chips, and a knack for peace. As the train rolled toward its next stop, a fight between a man and a woman broke out; curses were uttered, and punches and kicks were thrown. At that moment, Sonder moved toward where the man was standing, and parked himself there, calmly munching on his chips.

Strangers Help Pay for Terminally Ill Man's Dream Wedding

While a British couple was saving for and planning their dream wedding, the groom was suddenly diagnosed with throat cancer. All their income had to be funneled toward medical expenses. They could no longer afford a beautiful wedding. When the bride-to-be saw her fiance's health quickly deteriorating, she reached out on Facebook asking for donations. People's generosity was overwhelming.

Dalai Lama Visits Hawaii, Talks up Peace Through the "Power of Aloha"

The Dalai Lama brought his message of peace and compassion -- and his trademark humor -- to Hawaii, celebrating the coming together of two native cultures. Similar to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, the indigenous culture of Hawaii has its own inherent spirituality. He calls it compassion. We call it Aloha, said one participant at the events. The Dalai Lama's visit marks the launch of a new initiative entitled Pillars of Peace, supported by eBay founder, Pierre Omidyar

Neighbors Help Tornado Survivor, Find Wedding Ring in the Rubble

Tornado survivors in Woodward, Okla., are proving that even in the midst of devastation, treasures can be found and hope can be restored. Over the weekend, disastrous, tornadoes tore through the Midwest, killing six. One family barely got away before their house was completely destroyed. Mom had been watching TV with her wedding ring on the table.

474-year-old Painting Stolen by Nazis Given to Owner's Heirs

A painting - nearly five centuries old and worth millions - that was taken by the Nazis in World War II has been returned to the heirs of its original Jewish owner by U.S. officials. Also, the former neighbor of a Dutch Holocaust survivor traveled to the United States to hand-deliver two sets of china, dishes that her family left behind before they were led to Auschwitz.

Boy's Football Lost in Tsunami Turns Up in Alaska

A teenager who lost his home in Japan's devastating tsunami now knows that one prized possession survived: a football that drifted all the way to Alaska. A man, who has a Japanese wife, found the ball with the youngster's name inscribed on it while beachcombing on an Alaskan island.

Russian Billionaire Launches Project to Create a Better World

Russia's richest woman, Elena Baturina, is investing $100 million in a new "creative think-tank" devoted to improving the world. Dubbed Be Open, its noble aim is to stimulate innovation and creativity among young designers and improve sustainability while building bridges between Russia and the rest of the world.

Utah Hiker Survives With Broken Leg and No Food

The hunger and pain weren't the worst of Victoria Grover's ordeal as she shivered alone for four days with a broken leg and no food in Utah's rugged wilderness. The toughest challenge the 59-year-old faced was the severe cold which left her suffering with hypothermia as nighttime temperatures dropped to the low 30s in the high desert.

The Amazings: Join a UK Website to Teach Your Skills and Get Paid

Everyone has a skill. Now retirees and other talented individuals in London are invited to share their passions by joining The Amazings, a new social enterprise that helps people with skills to teach others by way of group classes and activities. The website explains, We handle the advertising and payments – all the Amazing has to do is decide when they want to run their experience, turn up, be amazing, and then collect the cash.