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Despite Woes, World is a Happier Place Today Than in 2007

Despite Woes, World is a Happier Place Today Than in 2007
A new poll conducted by global research company Ipsos finds that 77 percent of citizens in 24 countries generally say they are ‘happy' in their lives. The number of people reporting they are 'very happy' has risen two percentage points since 2007, to 22% of citizens globally.

A new poll conducted by global research company Ipsos  finds that 77 percent of citizens in 24 countries generally say they are ‘happy' in their lives. The number of people reporting they are ‘very happy' has risen two percentage points since 2007, to 22% of citizens globally.

Whereas the general assessment of happiness tends to remain fairly static over time, the measure of those who are ‘very happy' has the greatest amount of fluctuation.

The poll of 18,687 adults conducted from November 1- 15, 2011 also demonstrates that those who are married  appear to be the happiest when compared to all other groups. 26% are ‘very happy', compared to those who are not married (18%).

In fact, with measures tracked back to April, 2007, when respondents are asked to consider all things together, despite global financial woes and conflict, the world is a happier place now than it was then when 20% reported their situations as ‘very happy'.

(READ more of the study in Ipsos)

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