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British Couple Found £21,000 Donation on Their Doorstep

British Couple Found £21,000 Donation on Their Doorstep
A Lancashire couple who were known around town as the hardworking fundraisers for the neighborhood park were thrilled to find an anonymous donation of piles of £20 notes left on their doorstep -- a total of £21,480 tucked in a wicker basket.

A Lancashire couple who were known around town as the hardworking fundraisers for the neighborhood park were thrilled to find an anonymous donation of piles of £20 notes left on their doorstep.

Ian Roberts and Pam Curtis discovered the money, £21,480, which they assume was left for their Hope Street Park appeal, tucked in a wicker basket.

Mr. Roberts said he was "exhilarated; not for any personal reason, but because it will help us so much" with efforts towards regenerating the pavilion in the square's Victorian park.

(READ the story or watch the video in the BBC)

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