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Gardeners Team Up to Grow 60,000 Pounds of Produce for New Mexico Food Pantries

In 2008 Leslie Davis suggested to her mother, a Master Gardener in New Mexico, that in addition to cultivating flowers for worthy causes, she might try growing fresh produce for the community, especially since the recent recession had left so many people unemployed who were visiting overburdened food pantries. That discussion five years ago grew like a seed into a thriving bounty of volunteers who harvest thousands of pounds of produce, sometimes in a singe weekend, for people in need.

Mom Makes Thanksgiving Happen for 300 Families

A mother-of-three in Maryland had a simple idea: She used her parenting blog Scary Mommy to ask followers to make donations to help a family afford a Thanksgiving feast. Over 600 respondents pitched it and she raised over $18,000 in supermarket gift cards for those who couldn't afford food – providing dinner for 378 families.

Food Bank Shortages Lead To Innovation

Food banks are trying to keep their shelves stocked as more people in the U.S. struggle to get enough to eat. That means finding new ways to salvage food that would otherwise go to waste. One innovation being tested at the Second Harvest in Tennessee, is a vacuum packaging machine being used to test dented food cans for quality. (NPR)

11-Year-Old's Idea to Become Law

Florida restaurants usually throw out perfectly good food that 11 year-old Jack Davis figures can feed the hungry and the homeless. He is now trying to reverse a Florida law and provide protection for restaurants from being sued if anyone who ate the food became ill or developed food poisoning.

Third Graders Helping to Stop Childhood Hunger

Baking cookies and selling brownies don't seem like solutions that could end childhood hunger, yet, thanks to the Great American Bake Sale Campaign, 5.3 million nutritious meals and snacks were served to low-income children paid for by proceeds from bakes sales all across the country.