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Girl Banned from Blogging About School Meals has Raised £100,000 to Feed African Kids

Girl Banned from Blogging About School Meals has Raised £100,000 to Feed African Kids
Martha Payne, the nine-year-old schoolgirl who blogged about her school lunches and was briefly banned from photographing them, has not only achieved more healthy lunches for her Scotland school, she is helping to provide lunches to thousands of school kids in Africa.

Martha Payne, the nine-year-old schoolgirl who blogged about her school lunches and was briefly banned from photographing them, has not only achieved more healthy lunches for her Scotland school, she is helping to provide lunches to thousands of school kids in Africa.

Although it only lasted 24 hours, the ban got enough worldwide attention to see thousands of donations flooding in to Martha's JustGiving site, which she set up to raise money for Mary's Meals, a charity which runs school feeding projects in communities around the world.

Donations to the page have now hit £104,000, which will see almost 10,000 children receive a daily meal.

(READ the story in the Daily Mail – READ the original story from WS)

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