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Star Football Player Gives Up Big Money Contract to Be of Service

Jason Brown had a five-year, $37 million contract with the St. Louis Rams but decided it was all meaningless - and just walked away from football. Brown quit the sport he worked his life to master so he could become a farmer, even though he had never farmed a day in his life. What he was thinking? He was thinking about service.

'Aid For Friends' Started With an Extra Portion at Dinner

Rita Schiavone used to make an extra portion of food every night. She'd put it in a tin container, and, the next day, give it to an elderly person who needed it. Rita's work also inspired her friends and her church. They joined her efforts and it grew into a nonprofit, Aid for Friends.

Soup Kitchen Looks Like a Cafe, Offers a Side of Dignity

Enter Masbia's front door and you will be greeted by a smiling host, who'll then show you to your table. Moments later, an equally friendly server will offer you a hot and nutritious kosher meal, a fresh salad, and a beverage. The only difference between Masbia and other New York restaurants comes at the end of each meal when there is no charge. That's because Masbia—which means "to satiate" in Hebrew–is a soup kitchen for the hungry.