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Showing 561 - 580 of 1,690 Posts

Woman Loses 276 Pounds With Simple Plan Instead of Surgery

Theresa Borawski primarily relied on an electric wheelchair to get around. She hadn't even walked to the mailbox in two years. That was March 2011, when Borawski weighed 428 pounds. It took a decisive moment and some will power but she changed her eating habits and lost 276 pounds, and became a participant in life once again.

Recent Posts
Two New Studies Show Acupuncture Relieves Hot Flashes

Women suffering from hot flashes associated with menopause may have another alternative to hormone replacement therapy, according to two new studies showing that treatment with acupuncture significantly reduces the severity and frequency of hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause.

Teenager's Life Saved By Trip To Dentist

Anna Campbell, 15, was unaware she had dangerously high blood pressure until she had a tooth out under general anaesthetic. Doctors discovered the schoolgirl suffered from a rare condition called coarctation of the main aortic artery.

Pharmacy Prescribes Music for Pain

A London pharmacy is advising customers seeking pain relief to listen to music after a study found it can ease their symptoms. 41 percent of people living with persistent pain told researchers their favorite songs helped them relax and feel better.

Online Therapy: A New Way to Get Help

On-line therapy is one of the newest trends in mental healthcare. Although many clients still choose the face-to-face approach, on-line counseling has become an important option for some clients in certain situations. It is not intended for serious mental health issues or illnesses requiring medication, but it can be successful in helping people through difficult life issues like divorce or interpersonal conflict.

Millions in Insurance Rebates on the Way to US Consumers, Businesses

Due to a rule in the 2010 Affordable Care Act, US health insurers generally have to spend at least 80 percent of premium dollars on health care and quality, not administrative overhead or marketing. Insurers that don't meet or exceed this standard, are sending millions in rebates back to consumers and businesses.