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Negativity: The Number One Productivity Problem in the Workplace

Negativity: The Number One Productivity Problem in the Workplace
Backstabbing, gossip, power struggles, worry and stress are signs that negativity has invaded your workplace. The end result is turnover, absenteeism, and low morale. Here are the facts...

Backstabbing, gossip, power struggles, worry and stress are signs that negativity has invaded your workplace. The end result is turnover, absenteeism, and low morale.

Now before you roll your eyes and say that all this attitude stuff is just touchy feely, let me present the facts.

Fact #1 It may not be healthy to be negative but it's natural. Human beings think over 60,000 thoughts per day and 85% of those thoughts are negative. Think about the little voice in your head cursing traffic or saying things like, "I dread going to work," or "I can't stand my co-workers."

Fact #2 What you focus on expands. Cognitive scientists and neuron-psychologists know that the brain actually changes as a result of where a person focuses his thinking. Negative habits create more negativity and positive thoughts create happier feelings which lead to health.

Fact #3

Feeling good is good for your health. The American Heart Association reports that feelings of appreciation increases circulation and smooth cardiovascular rhythms. Also, recalling an angry experience can negatively affect the immune system for as much as six hours?  Illness due to headaches cost $50 billion annually in medical expenses and absenteeism according to the National Health Foundation. Employees have a difficult time producing when there is negativity and ill will in the workplace.

Fact #4

Relationships are either a source of renewal or a source of drama. It's a fact, the number one reason an employee leaves a company is due to poor relationships with his direct supervisors. It is a fact that over 90 percent of workplace problems are people related. The Gallup organization found that no single factor more clearly predicts the productivity of an employee than the relationship with his direct supervisor.

Increase your workplace productivity by tackling the number one problem in most workplaces—negativity and stress.

Marlene Chism MA works with companies that want to stop the drama so that teamwork and productivity can thrive. She offers this How-To plan for decreasing stress and negativity in the office: The #1 Workplace Problem: Seven Tips for Reducing Stress and Negativity


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