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Top 10 Ways You Can Stop Climate Change

Though you might feel like your lifestyle is insignificant compared to things like oil extraction or vehicle emissions, the choices we make in our day-to-day life play a major role in slowing climate change. Here's a list of 10 ways you can join in the fight to reduce our carbon footprint.

New Jersey: An Unlikely Leader In U.S. Solar Energy

The combination of a strong energy mandate passed by the former Governor Jon Corzine, and a generous carbon offset program has made New Jersey a shining example as the nation's second largest producer of solar power, behind California.

Daryl Hannah to Receive 2011 Environmental Hero Award

Actress and filmmaker Daryl Hannah has been selected to receive the 2011 Environmental Hero award this Earth Day. Hannah's long past in promoting sustainability as well as her work founding the Sustainable Biodiesel Alliance made for an ideal honoree.

$500 Million Investment of Filling Stations for Hydrogen Fuel-cell Cars

Daimler and five oil and industrial gas companies will invest about 350 million euros ($500 million) on a network of hydrogen filling stations for fuel-cell electric vehicles in Germany over the next 10 years, they said on Monday. Fuel-cell cars are seen by many in the industry as the best long-term solution to lowering carbon emissions in cars.

Obama Deal Increases Fuel-economy Standards for US Cars

President Obama today announced the next phase in the Administration's program to increase fuel efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas pollution for all new cars and trucks sold in the United States. These new standards will cover cars and light trucks for Model Years (MY) 2017-2025, requiring performance equivalent to 54.5 mpg in 2025 while reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 163 grams per mile.

Solar Power Reaches West Virginia Coalfields

A group devoted to creating alternative energy jobs in Central Appalachia is building a first for West Virginia's southern coalfields region this week - a rooftop solar array, assembled by unemployed and underemployed coal miners and contractors.

Wind Power Helping to Keep Lights on in Japan

Good news in post-earthquake Japan: All the wind turbines survived the quake and offered stability to the electrical grid during the crisis. Even the offshore turbines in the vicinity of the earthquake epicenter survived. In some regions of Japan, this has saved the day, as power utilities struggle.

Unstoppable! The Rise and Rise of Britain's Green Buildings

Orlando Bloom has an eco-house; Prince Charles has built a sustainable home, and now a major developer plans to build 500 eco-homes in Devon. Despite the economic gloom, the green way of building has never been more popular - 7,000 projects last year, a number that has more than doubled since 2009.

Solar Energy From Windows

A start-up in Northern California is working on creating solar windows that could act as solar panels while also blocking sunlight from entering office buildings to reduce their energy needs. The company, Pythagoras Solar won a $100,000 prize last week in the GE Ecomagination Challenge, for its idea.

New York Passes Historic Green Jobs Financing Law

An innovative financing mechanism for achieving the green jobs and carbon cuts mandated in New York was passed last week by the state legislature. The Power NY Act funnels energy savings from individual electric bills to the cause of financing energy efficient retrofits on one million buildings and homes.