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'Wedding Pink' Donates Dream Wedding For Cancer Survivor

Two decades ago, a wedding photographer battled breast cancer. Now, she is giving back by making wedding dreams come true for couples like Melissa and Jeff whose budding romance was struck early by the same harsh diagnosis. A dream $30,000 wedding was donated with the help of 30 different Colorado vendors.

'Go Do Good' Downtown Chicago Art Installation Inspires Good Deeds

Trying to turn art into action, commuters walking near State and Madison streets in downtown Chicago had a striking new image in their sights last week: a giant, six-story yellow mural encouraging viewers to Go Do Good. The banner campaign is hoping to inspire 100,000 good deeds by Chicagoans this summer.

4-year-old Painter Debuts in New York Gallery (Video)

Aelita Andre is a Russian abstract painter who has already been compared to Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, and Jackson Pollack -- and she is just four years old. Her parents both paint as a hobby and from the start gave her all the canvas and tubes she needed to express to her heart's content.

Teens Use Social Networking To Reunite Pair of Holocaust Survivors

While most students learn about Nazi Germany through books and movies, Naperville, Ill. middle schoolers have done real detective work to reunite two Holocaust survivors after 73 years. Madison Junior High eighth graders used Google, Facebook and databases of newspapers to bring together Edith Westerfeld of Skokie, Ill. and Gerda Katz of Seattle.

College Class Builds Apps — and Fortunes

Stanford students took seriously their homework assignment in the fall of 2007: Devise an app. Get people to use it. The students ended up getting millions of users for free apps that they designed to run on Facebook. And, as advertising rolled in, some of those students started making far more money than their professors.

4-year-old Painter Debuts in New York Gallery (Video)

Aelita Andre is a Russian abstract painter who has already been compared to Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, and Jackson Pollack -- and she is just four years old. Her parents both paint as a hobby and from the start gave her all the canvas and tubes she needed to express to her heart's content.

New Jersey: An Unlikely Leader In U.S. Solar Energy

The combination of a strong energy mandate passed by the former Governor Jon Corzine, and a generous carbon offset program has made New Jersey a shining example as the nation's second largest producer of solar power, behind California.

More Babies Born at Home in U.S.

The number of home births in the U.S. increased by 20 percent over four years, researchers have found. After a gradual decline from 1990 to 2004, there were 28,357 home births in 2008 — the highest proportion since 1990, the study in Friday's online issue of the medical journal Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care showed.