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Walmart Doubles Down on Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Walmart Doubles Down on Hydrogen Fuel Cells
Walmart is dramatically increasing its investment in hydrogen fuel cells to get away from dirtier battery and fueling options, giving a boost to high-profile supplier Plug Power.

Walmart is dramatically increasing its investment in hydrogen fuel cells to get away from dirtier battery and fueling options, giving a boost to high-profile supplier Plug Power.

The world's biggest retailer has ordered another 1,738 of them, almost 40% of Plug Power's total existing installed base of about 4,500 units and representing the company's single biggest order ever.

Hydrogen fuel cells are one of the cleanest technologies available, along some types of solar power, because their use creates zero emissions, unlike some electric motors that rely on a power plant already emitting greenhouse gases.

(READ the article from Forbes)

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