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How Much Longer Can One Man Feed Millions?

It was in 1984 that John Jacko Garrett, age 70, first began donating a portion of his harvest each year to charity. Today, the second-generation rice farmer from Danbury, a tiny farm town of 1,700 southeast of Houston, is a legend. He's a legend thanks to the almost six million pounds of rice he's donated to the Houston Foodbank, and the millions upon millions of free meals created from that rice.

Billionaire Gives $10mil to Keep Head Start Open for Poor Children

A billionaire hedge fund manager has given $10 million of his own money to pay for pre-school programs that would have shut down October 1 with the US Government shutdown. Laura and John Arnold tapped into their personal fortune to reopen Head Start programs for one month to benefit 7000 children in poor families in six states.

Dentists Given Hero Status for Decade of Pro Bono Work

Twice a year since 2002, local dentists donate free treatment to young folks through their Give Kids A Smile clinic. The organization said more than 8,900 dental professionals and lay volunteers donate time and talent through the clinic, and have provided 10,632 children with $4.6 million in free dental service.